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(a) Take about the size of grain (300mg – 500 mg) and dissolve this in warm drinking water and drink on empty stomach 30 minutes before your breakfast! If you want to enhance the energy level it is highly recommended to add one tea spoon of honey and one garlic clove cut in small pieces and take with Shilajit liquid!

(b) Himalayan Shilajit can be used with green tea during a day without adding sugar to it.

(c) Shilajit can also be taken with warm milk and honey one hour before you sleep!

(d) If you so hate the taste and cannot bear it. Hide it inside your spoon of rice or any food and swallow it and drink a glass of water on it. 1: How long does it take for shilajit to work?


The effect of shilajit can vary from person to person depending on their age, gender, and health conditions. But most people start to get its benefits within 1 to 2 weeks. To get its maximum health benefit it is recommended to take shilajit for at least 2 weeks.

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